
Our Mission

To provide today’s youth with the foundational life skills needed to become confident young adults.

Our Story

Concerned about the rising levels of anxiety, teen suicide, bullying and other serious factors prevalent in today’s society, Shauna Jenkins (Simmonds) decided it was time to take action. After hosting several focus groups with key educators and community members, it was discovered that character development was seriously lacking in today’s educational and extra-curricular systems. The focus group participants next compiled a list of the top twelve life skills today’s youth would need to develop in order to grow into confident young adults with the ability to make informed decisions and choices.

Shauna took this list of life skills and created the MakeYouThink Life Skills program.

Our Founder

Shauna Jenkins (Simmonds), founder of the MakeYouThink Life Skills program, is a mother, wife, sister, daughter and active community member with a strong dedication to help today’s youth. Her passion for helping youth, educators and leaders pursue their unique dreams while discovering their purpose for living helped drive the creation of this program. In addition to hosting, writing and producing each lesson video, Shauna and her team have written the original music for each video.

Our Users

The MakeYouThink Life Skills program is currently being used in over 15 countries in various forums:

  • Educational Institutions: Public School Boards, Public Schools, Private Schools, Home-School Instructors, Catholic School Boards, After-School Programs, Student Government, Colleges, Universities and On-Campus Student Groups
  • Community: Coaches, Team Sports, Youth Organizations, Camps, Correctional Facilities, Drop-In Centers, Community Centers, and Youth Detention Centers.
  • Family: Parents of teen/youth, Parenting Seminars/Conferences, and Family Counseling and Reconciliation Programs.
  • Other: Character Education Initiatives, Aboriginal Initiatives, Counseling Associations, Psychologists, Motivational Speaking Events, Conferences and Concerts.