
Respect: Why is it so hard for some teens?

Respect: Why is it so hard for some teens? 2560 1420 April

Respect is always a big issue with teens.  Not every teen has a lack of respect, but the ones that do usually are obvious.  This infographic shows some statistics about…

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Purpose: Why is Purpose so Hard for Teens?

Purpose: Why is Purpose so Hard for Teens? 2560 1420 April

Ever wonder why it is so hard for teens to find their purpose? It can be hard when you are trying to sort out life to figure out what your…

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Honesty: One of the Most Important Traits

Honesty: One of the Most Important Traits 2560 1420 April

Everyone knows honesty is important.  Honesty is one of the key life character traits a person could have.  It is known that teens can sometimes struggle with honesty as they…

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Teen Responsibility on Social Media

Teen Responsibility on Social Media 2560 1420 April

Teens these days are very tech-savvy.  They have grown up in a world where there has always been technology, so naturally, they have adapted to learn quickly and with ease…

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Teen Home School

3 Tips for Homeschooling Teens

3 Tips for Homeschooling Teens 2560 1421 MakeYouThink

I am sure that many parents have been discovering over the past few weeks that homeschooling a teenager is quite different than homeschooling a younger child. Many parents are feeling…

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Instil Hope in Teens

5 Ways to Instil Hope in Teens

5 Ways to Instil Hope in Teens 2560 1807 MakeYouThink

Everyone, not just teens, can find themselves losing hope when faced with sudden and threatening world news.  Our current COVID-19 pandemic has people of all ages filled with anxiety and…

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How to Talk to Your Kids

Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus

Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus 2560 1594 MakeYouThink

The topic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is everywhere. Schools are being closed, events are being cancelled, professional sports seasons are being postponed, and companies are asking employees to work from home…

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Benefits of Social Emotional Learning

3 Benefits of SEL in Your School

3 Benefits of SEL in Your School 1920 1080 MakeYouThink

Over the past few years the topic of Character Education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) within the education system has become extremely popular. The reason for this may be tied…

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Teen Self Esteem

Self-Esteem Part 2: Five Ways to Improve a Teen’s Self-Esteem

Self-Esteem Part 2: Five Ways to Improve a Teen’s Self-Esteem 2560 1707 MakeYouThink

In part one of our self-esteem series we learned what self-esteem is, causes of low self-esteem and signs of low self-esteem. (If you haven’t read part one yet, click here…

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Signs & Causes of Low Self-Esteem in Teens

Self-Esteem Part 1: Signs & Causes of Low Self-Esteem in Teens

Self-Esteem Part 1: Signs & Causes of Low Self-Esteem in Teens 2560 1707 MakeYouThink

At some point in everyone’s life their self-esteem or confidence in themselves may falter or temporarily lower. While this can seem like a normal occurrence people must face during their…

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