I am sure that many parents have been discovering over the past few weeks that homeschooling a teenager is quite different than homeschooling a younger child. Many parents are feeling overwhelmed and searching for better ways to homeschool; others are ready to throw the towel in all together.
Before you throw in the towel or start pulling your hair out, let’s all stop and take a nice deep breath. We’re here to help you. Keep reading to discover four helpful tips for homeschooling your teen.
Don’t Set an Early Start Time
While it may seem like a good idea to get your teen up and ready to begin their online classes right at 8 a.m. sharp – don’t do it. Many teens do not go to bed at 9 p.m. but are staying up well past 11 p.m. A later bedtime means a later wake up time. Benefit of homeschool means you can adjust your schedule for what fits with your family.
Let Them Decide the How & Where
Everyone learns differently. Some people need complete silence while others constantly listen to music through headphones. Many teens work great sitting at a desk or the kitchen table, while others prefer being sprawled out on their bed, on the couch or even outside. Don’t try to force your teen to do their work at the kitchen table or at a desk. As long as their work is being completed let them work where it suits them best.
Give Teens Freedom to Manage Their Time
Learning important life skills like self-discipline and responsibility are an important aspect during the teen years. Allowing your teen to decide how to manage their own time in order to reach assignment due dates will help them develop these life skills. Each time your teen completes an assignment on time they will feel a sense of accomplishment, boosting their self-confidence.