The Complete MakeYouThink Life Skills program gives you everything you need to prepare your students, athletes or children for a successful future. Our curriculum uses a modular approach to Character Education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL), increasing student engagement and levels of understanding.
This program is completely customizable. Follow the Units and Lesson’s in the order they appear, pick and choose your unit order, or even re-arrange the lessons to suit the needs of your students, athletes or children.
Purpose Lesson Video Trailer
Self-Worth Lesson Video Trailer
Honesty Lesson Video Trailer
Program Features:
- 12 Engaging videos touching on hard-hitting topics
- 4 Units each consisting of three smaller, easier-to-discuss lessons
- 12 Lessons: One Life skill per lesson.
- 21st Century Skill development
- Flexible & customizable course design
- Highly motivational & engaging content
Each Lesson Includes:
- Hard-Hitting, Attention Grabbing Video
- Lesson Guide with Discussion Questions
- Three Engagement Activities to choose from
- Take-Home Assignment (Individual)
- Self-Reflection Activity (Individual)
- Music Video
- Online Access
- BONUS: Directors cut with motivational messages from our founder
Life Skills and Units:
Units One: Ethics
- Lesson 1: Honesty
- Lesson 2: Giving
- Lesson 3: Respect
Units Two: Identity
- Lesson 1: Self-Worth
- Lesson 2: Forgiveness
- Lesson 3: Love
Units Three: Leadership
- Lesson 1: Humility
- Lesson 2: Responsibility
- Lesson 3: Purpose
Units Four: Resilience
- Lesson 1: Self-Discipline
- Lesson 2: Perseverance
- Lesson 3: Hope